Friday, September 19, 2008

Transitioning from perm to a natural state

Hey this blog, is just for my friend Vi, Ms. Unpredictable...:)

Well my friend told me today, girllll, why didn't you tell me that the reason it was so hard for me to comb through my hair, was because most of it was natural but the ends are still permed. I started off telling her about one of my favorite shampoo's by Carol's Daughter, Rosemary Mint Shampoo with Sea Moss. The ingredients are all natural, including rosemary mint which stimulates the scalp for hair growth, lavender extract that softens the hair and essential oils that keep the hair properly conditioned. Well, I'll tell you all, like I told her, the transition state is a tricky one and it is best to have the ends properly trimmed off, or you WILL face hair breakage and a difficult time trying to comb through your hair..

Now, if you are not ready to get a major hair cut, here are a few options 1) trim off a little at a time, so there is not a dramatic cut 2) cut off all of the permed ends, 3) Use Carol's Daughter Lisa's Hair Elixir (warm it up) and mix it with Carol's Daughter's Hair Butter and saturate your ends and ALWAYS comb from the ends up to the root...if you have other products you choose to use, that's great as well, just make sure there is NO mineral oil, which provides no nourishment to your hair and acts more as a coating of the hair, but provides no real conditioning....(Pictures will be up soon, for natural hair styles and more conditioning tips!)

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