Friday, September 5, 2008

Under Construction

Hey!!! I just couldn't wait any longer to write. I just felt the urge to do so, although my blog is no where near where I want it to be. I see such a great vision of showing and learning of new hair styles,sharing experience with new hair and skin products, new fashion styles, culture and more. I see women of all shades, cultures, and hair types coming together and discussing issues that shape our identity today. I guess for the most part, that will be done, through typing my thoughts, although I hope this works in such a way, that many, many many many people will share their hair stories and thoughts, because as I frequently say, thats how we stay tuned, because there is definitely more to come!


Anonymous said...

This looks like its going to be a great site, I know from your previous blogs, that discussions will start getting realll interesting, keep up the good work girl!

Anonymous said...

Cool, please make sure you leave lots of hair tips like you did before, I'm looking forward to the dialogue!

Anonymous said...

I want to learn about products that are for the 4A hair, with a little mix of 3C, I will support your endeavors, you've been nothing but helpful to me in the past with hair tips, good luck and God Bless in your new blog journey!